Wednesday, January 25, 2012

[A Beer a Day] Das Wonderkind Wine Barrel Aged Sour Saison | Jester King Brewing | Austin, TX

Das Scheiße
And here is the latest from brewers-savant, Jester King Brewery ... a true farmhouse set in the brush of this fair burg, Austin, Texas.

Now I'm a bit of a Jester King fanboy -- their Black Metal Imperial Stout being one of the highlights of 2011, but their brewing philosophy is such that it would make Jolly Pumkin a proud Jedi to their Patawan learner.  Jester King has made a sour beer that would hold up to the few -- VERY few -- wild ale brewers in the United States.

Das Wonderkind has plenty of the characteristic tart -- maybe immature peaches, bananas, and lemon -- but finishes like a beer that has had time to get settled in -- like that Cheez-Its commercial that I laugh at every time.  Whence, only two months ago, Das Wonderkind was all "Knock Knock", "Who's there" "Interrupting Beer. "Interrupting Bee-" "INTERRUPTING BEEEEEEER LULZ" --  now its asserting, "Good morning sir, beautiful day, isn't it"?

And indeed, with Das Wonderkind, it is.

ABV: 4.2%
Acquired: An Austin bottle store

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