Sunday, March 11, 2012

[A Beer a Day] Convict Hill Oatmeal Stout | Independence Brewing | Austin, TX

It is fairly common knowledge around town that Independence Brewing is a minor disaster.  Ambitious as they are with their Brewluminati Series, and as much as I love that they re-brand their Austin Amber as Oklahoma Suks for two weeks in October, there is nothing particularly special about their beer -- and many of them even limp into the compass of undrinkable.

But what Independence Brewing does do, is brew one of my top two-or-three favorite local beers in their oatmeal stout called Convict Hill.

Oatmeal stouts, incidentally, do not have the flavor of oatmeal, but the addition of the flakes to the mash provides a beautiful smoothness and sweetness that is unrivaled.  A properly brewed oatmeal stout will have the flavor suggestion and tactile profile of a thawed mocha frapp.  Sounds delicious because it is delicious.

Convict Hill is a year-rounder, and is completely suitable for what could be perceived as out-of-season consuming.  Rain, swelter, snow, -- usually all in the damn day in Austin -- I really enjoy sitting down with this one.

Perhaps my favorite thing about Convict Hill, however, is its outstanding value.  At 8% alcohol, beer accolades, steady local demand, and overall craftwork, a Convict Hill 4-pack carries a scant price at your local market.  It is perhaps the best fiscal deal in a town known for bargains.

ABV: 8.0%
Acquired: Available everywhere

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