Wednesday, May 9, 2012

[A Beer a Day] Double Stout | Green Flash Brewing | San Diego, CA

Part I of V in the series: [An Avenue]'s Stout Week

One of the prominent trends-of-the-second in the brew world is the practice of collaboration between similarly progressive entities in the name of producing a better beer-drinking experience.  This week, the award for mastery goes to the alliance between St. Augustine, the patron saint of brewers, and St. Medardus, the patron saint of good weather.  And because of their unlikely affair, I have been able to sneak in an extra week of heavy stouts in the garden.

Also, it should be noted that good May-ish Austin weather means cool, rainy spells that give the general suggestion of an actual transition between the mildness of winter and the wretchedness summer.  This, apparently, is that one week.

As a declaration of good fortune, I ambled over to one of my favorite depots for a mixed-pack of the good shit -- which, by the way, should be the next prominent beer trend, particularly in Texas if we want to become a true beer state like Michigan, California, or Oregon.  (And as a further aside, did you know that Hancock HEB will let you mix-n-match from their full-stock coolers itself?  Yep.  Just did it the other day).

But anyway, so I'm cruising the singles aisle for my BILF of choice, and upon seeing one, I recollected the several good experiences I'd had with Green Flash Brewing lately, namely their Palate Wrecker DIPA and the Rayon Vert Belgian Pale.  I'd be deceitful if I didn't admit that this was a brewery that, overall, I've largely ignored throughout the years, primarily due to the seemingly easier decision of grabbing a quick stash from the other various well-reputed Southern Cal breweries, but I thought Green Flash had earned itself a spot in my starting-six.  So I gave Double (imperial) Stout the call-up.

Green Flash's Double Stout was quite simply a display of sorcery.  Witchcraft.  Black magic.  Holy balls.  Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, kiss my ass. Kiss his ass. Kiss your ass. Happy Hanukkah.

This is the kind of game changer that could not have been prospected any harder for on this perfectly stormy day.  Melissa was so jealous that she decided to make it a Zin night for herself, while I taunted her with my equally splendid DAAN tulip (which I believe is a band of Belgian hooligans) full of coffee, chocolate, and little bits of the Russian royal family.

This will undoubtedly be on my to-do list come dead winter, or the freakish monsoon that is inevitable now that we live in an arid desert.

ABV: 8.8%
Acquired: King Liquor

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