Friday, September 7, 2012

[A Beer a Day] Resin Double IPA | Sixpoint Brewing | Brooklyn, NY

Ugh.  My brain has been playing catch-up with my extremities all day long after a battle with an ornery final pint last night while out with some friends -- and then, of course, the inevitable final-final-last-pint-at-home that is almost always a bad idea.  As GOB would say 'I've made a huge mistake'.  So, I'm writing all of this in somewhat of a delirium.

What I do remember, is starting off my night with a Double IPA, or DIPA for short -- a very dear pal of [AA]'s whom I've kept in my close social circle despite frequent taunts of drunkery, instigation for dumbassery, and persistent political messages through Ecard on Facebook.

Through our collaboration with each other, I've decided that DIPAs are for home consumption only, and drinking any number beyond one in public would be like 4Loko-ing on the Juarez Metro.  And if you ride lil' Baghdad's public transit, you will have a bad time.  Home is a place that has been logistically set up by me when in the state of complete cognizance so that I know all of the soft places to land when contrastingly DIPA'd.

DIPAs are a style that the beer occult have determined to be a noble style, thereby promoting the demand for a difficult, nuanced, style to be made by brewers good and not-so-good at it.   This means that there is a hefty selection of poorly constructed DIPAs out on the market, and its often hard to vet which are worth plopping down the $15 for.

The state of Texas has been on an incredible streak lately in regards to prominent American microbreweries realizing the fists of oil cash we have stuffed in our Stetson jeans, and thus, have started importing, so to speak, by the scooter-load. (See, 'cos, brewers do eco-things like ride bikes and Vespas)

And so, Six Point anoints we Texans with another DIPA to evaluate.

Well, shit dudes, we welcome you and your DIPA!  Why didn't you fucking say so?  I would have rode my own Linus Fixie up to meet you half way.

The first characteristic that you will notice about this beer, is that the vessel is shaped like a phallus.  My best judgement of this reason is that they want it represent the allegory that they are going to put this DIPA in your ass with no lube.  Yes, now after sampling it, they DO want you to be prepared for a hop dong in an uncomfortable place.

I'm all in.  I do unapologetically love me some ultra-strong, ultra bitter, ultra muddled DIPA.  Resin certainly has all of those issues, like a radical problem child tearing through a dentist office Highlights Magazine.  It is wonderfully abrasive, sweet, and hoppy.  Earthy, dense, ... um, resin-y.  There are pulpy fruits like mango and papaya, balanced out with cured tea leaves steeped in cold base beer.  There is a ton of booze here and it doesn't hide well.  But nevermind that, its just hard to sit right now.  This is tough love.

ABV: 9.1%
Acquired: East 1st Grocery
Musical Pairing: Dirty Projectors | Swing Lo Magellan (2012)

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